Buckle Up Buttercup: Why Leveling Up Creates Turbulence (And How to Survive without an Air Sick Bag)

Buckle Up Buttercup: Why Leveling Up Creates Turbulence (And How to Survive without an Air Sick Bag)

December 26, 20246 min read

Every time I’ve leveled up in my life or business, turbulence has shown up like clockwork. Plans would unravel, relationships would shift, and life as I knew it would feel disorganized, confusing — even chaotic at times. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong. But now, I see it for what it really is: a natural byproduct of growth.

Here’s the thing no one tells you: turbulence is part of the journey when you’re leveling up, especially when you’re making bold moves. It’s not comfortable, it’s not easy, and it certainly doesn’t feel calm. But what I’ve learned is that turbulence doesn’t mean you’re off course. In fact, it’s often the best indicator that you’re heading in the right direction.

The more you’re willing to lean into that turbulence, the more space you create for what’s next. And how turbulent things feel depends on your pace. If you’re taking small, steady steps, the shifts may feel gradual and manageable. But if you’re like me, someone who embraces quantum leaps, prepare for a bumpier ride — because moving boldly stirs up everything that no longer aligns.

The Patterns of Turbulence

When I look back, the pattern is clear. Every time I’ve decided to step into a bigger version of myself —whether it was launching a new program, scaling my business, or committing to my purpose —turbulence showed up.

Relationships that once felt solid started to shift. Habits I relied on no longer worked. Systems that had supported me at one level suddenly felt inadequate. It wasn’t chaos for chaos’s sake — it was a disruption of everything that no longer aligned with where I was headed.

At first, I resisted. I tried to control it, fix it, or hold everything together. But resisting turbulence is like trying to fight gravity mid-flight. It only creates more discomfort. The moment I started to accept turbulence as part of the process, everything changed.

Why Turbulence Happens

Here’s the truth: growth creates friction. When you make the decision to level up, your world starts to adjust to your new frequency. And anything that doesn’t match that frequency — relationships, habits, systems, or even your own thoughts — will start to feel unsettled.

The friends who were comfortable with the “old you” might not understand the “new you.” The ways you’ve operated in the past may no longer feel effective. It’s not because those things were wrong —they simply aren’t built for where you’re going.

If you’re moving gradually, this turbulence can feel subtle, like a gentle nudge to make adjustments over time. But when you take a quantum leap — when you decide to make a bold, fast shift — the turbulence can feel disorienting. It’s the universe’s way of clearing the runway for your takeoff.

Kelly O' Neil

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Quantum Leaps and Big Disruptions

When you take a quantum leap, turbulence comes fast and hard. Systems break down. Long-standing relationships shift. Even your sense of identity might feel wobbly. It’s not because you’re failing — it’s because you’re outgrowing everything that was designed for your previous level.

The turbulence isn’t there to stop you. It’s there to prepare you. It’s clearing the space for you to fully embody the next version of yourself.

Let Go or Be Dragged

The hardest part about leveling up isn’t the turbulence itself — it’s our instinct to cling to what’s falling away. Letting go can feel terrifying, especially when the things you’re releasing once felt like anchors. But holding onto what no longer serves you only makes the turbulence more intense.

I’ve learned that you have a choice: let go, or be dragged. When you choose to release with intention, you allow the process to unfold with more ease and grace.

Moving Gradually vs. Boldly

If the thought of turbulence makes you hesitate, that’s okay. Growth doesn’t have to be all at once. You can choose a gradual path, taking small, steady steps toward your goals. This approach softens the turbulence, allowing you to adjust to each shift as it happens.

But if you’re ready to take a quantum leap, know that the turbulence will be stronger. You’ll feel it more intensely, and it might even feel disorienting at times. That’s the nature of bold moves — they stir up everything that’s not aligned with your higher self.

How to Navigate Turbulence

I want to share with you the practices that have supported me through quantum leaps — and the tools I use to guide my private clients through their own turbulent journeys. These strategies will help you find clarity and stability, even when everything feels up in the air.

1. Anchor in Your Vision

When turbulence strikes, it’s easy to second-guess yourself. Stay grounded in your vision. Write it down. Visualize it daily. Remind yourself why you’re making this leap and where you’re headed.

2. Release with Intention

Letting go isn’t about giving up — it’s about creating space. I encourage my clients to release what no longer serves them with gratitude. Thank those relationships, habits, or systems for the role they played, and then set them free.

3. Create Space for Alignment

As turbulence clears away the old, focus on creating space for the new. Declutter your schedule, your surroundings, and your mind. You need open space to receive what’s next.

4. Lean Into Discomfort

Turbulence is uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean you’re off track. I remind my clients: discomfort is proof that you’re growing. Don’t avoid it — lean into it with curiosity.

5. Surround Yourself with Support

The people around you can either amplify the turbulence or help you navigate it. Surround yourself with those who hold space for your growth and remind you of your power.

6. Protect Your Energy

During times of turbulence, your energy is your greatest asset. Prioritize self-care, whether that’s through rest, meditation, or investing in a coach or mentor. You can’t navigate growth if your tank is empty.

The Calm After the Turbulence

Here’s the most important thing to remember: turbulence is temporary. The discomfort, the disorientation, the uncertainty — it will pass. And what’s waiting on the other side is worth every bump in the road.

Every time I’ve navigated turbulence, I’ve emerged stronger, clearer, and more aligned. The opportunities, relationships, and systems that followed were always far more aligned and fulfilling than what I left behind.

So whether you’re taking small steps or giant leaps, trust the process. Let go of what no longer serves you, embrace the turbulence, and allow it to guide you toward the EPIC.

Because sometimes, good — even great —things need to shift or fall away to make room for something EPIC. Let go — or be dragged. The choice is yours. But if you’re ready to leap, get ready for the ride of your life.





Kelly O'Neil, is a trailblazing thought leader in the entrepreneurial business space, a celebrated futurist, and an intellectual property creator, known for her unparalleled ability to predict and solve market problems of the future.

Kelly O' Neil

Kelly O'Neil, is a trailblazing thought leader in the entrepreneurial business space, a celebrated futurist, and an intellectual property creator, known for her unparalleled ability to predict and solve market problems of the future.

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